Statisticians tell us that Islam will overtake Christianity around 2025 - I guess that is provided the status quo holds.
I for one do not subscribe to numbers when it comes to someone's faith. Having said that I totally disagree because of at least three things they did not factor in:
First, the rise of a New democratic Middle East with freedom of speech and religion which will lead to number two, the 'opening' of the Gospel to the Muslim world and three the revisiting of the Qu'ran that is taking place among many Muslims... and they are not buying what they are reading.
Perhaps it is best to listen to the truth coming from the mouth of the horse. The Internet site published an interview with Ahmad Al Qataani أحمد القطعاني An important Islamic cleric who said: “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity."
Maher Abdallah:
Dear viewers, peace of Allah be upon you, greetings and welcome to a new episode of the program Islamic Law and Life.
Our topic this evening will be Christianization in the Dark Continent ... Africa. To discuss this topic, it is my pleasure to introduce today a man who is an expert on the issue of evangelization and Christianization in Africa, even though he will concentrate on the issue of Christianization first and foremost, Sheikh Ahmad Al Qataani.
Maher Abdallah:
welcome to you on the program.
Sheikh Ahmad:
As to how that happened, well there are now 1.5 million churches whose congregations account for 46 million people. In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity
These numbers are very large indeed …
Maher Abdallah:
So 6 million Muslims a year convert?
Maher Abdallah:
Fine. This is a big and dangerous phrase. Taking advantage of poverty, of ignorance, of lack of education, of some need is something that a Muslim can also be accused of...
Sheikh Qattani attributes the exodus from Islam to Christian missionaries who target the poor and offer them food, medicine, shelter etc., thus obligating them to convert to the Christian faith.
Mr. Maher Abdallah, disagrees to that being the cause because he reminds sheikh Qataani that Muslims use the same tactics...
I have given you the facts. I quoted from a reliable Arab Muslim network - Al Jazeera. I have given the English and Arab readers the links to their prospective language. I gave you the views of Muslim leaders held in high esteem by the Muslim populace.
Logical Deduction: The Islamic hierarchy is very concerned that Muslims by the droves are abandoning Islam for Christianity... and that was before the Arab Spring (the Al Jazeera interview took place about one year earlier)...
So why then are Muslims jumping ship?